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Administrative Support for Committees

Administrative Support for Committees

Enhance your support role in effective minute-taking, governance frameworks, and administrative skills.


Meetings take place every day in public sector organisations but are they an effective use of time? Well-developed agendas and accurate records of decisions mean that committees function better and are more likely to achieve their objectives. This half day course is for public sector employees whose role requires them to support committees including minute taking, meeting arrangements, agendas communication tasks, and handling routine correspondence. It is not designed for board members or chairpersons.

Course Content

The course will provide participants with a sound understanding of the role and function of committees and the importance of a governance framework. Participants will gain a good understanding of the documentation used to support and record the operation of committees and be able to apply the knowledge to their own work situations. This course is designed for committees that operate in the public sector.


  • Understand the importance of a governance framework
  • Implement an induction process for new members
  • Know how to support the chairperson to run effective meetings
  • Know how to provide administrative support, such as drafting meeting agendas, taking meeting minutes, circulating papers, following-up on actions arising from meetings
  • Monitor the implementation of decisions

Benefits to your organisation

  • Improved operation of committees
  • Improved implementation of the governance framework
  • Documentation better represents the deliberations and decisions of the board

Benefits to you

  • Apply new knowledge to improve the quality of executive support you are providing
  • Understand what is required of minute-taking, what to leave in and what to leave out
  • Review agenda papers
  • Confidence in dealing with the chairperson and board members

Administrative Support for Committees

Date/s, Time & Venue

2 May 2025
9:00am - 12:30pm
Face-to-face (Perth CBD)
12 Sep 2025
9:00am - 12:30pm
Face-to-face (Perth CBD)

Career Stage

New Recruits/Graduates , Team Members


Communication Skills

Class Size

Maximum 20



Prices exclude GST and are subject to change

Individual Member
Corporate Member
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